
英語のリスニング実践 ― ネイティブ教員の英語教育 ―

“The Ideal English Education of the University Correspondence Course by Foreign Teachers”

愛知産業大学短期大学のネイティブ教員による理想の英語教育についての討論を聞いて、以下の10問について考えてみましょう。次のURLからYouTubeを使ってリスニングをしてみましょう!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WVTaj2cWZ4 


1. What are the good and bad points of textbooks?
Good: a.

Bad: a.

2. What is a solution of overcoming the bad points of a textbook?

Ⅱ.Class Management

3. How do you spell 「アトノミー」?

4. What is autonomy?

5. Why is autonomy important in class?

6. What should all teachers follow in class?

Ⅲ.How to Improve Students’ English Proficiency

7. What is the biggest problem about English for Japanese students?

8. What English accents are the easiest to understand for Japanese people?

9. What is the native teachers’ common goal for the classroom?

10. What is key for good communication in English?